Wendell and Wild and Pinocchio
2022 was an amazing year for stop motion. In June, we finally saw the release of Phil Tippets decade spanning project, MAD GOD. We booked MAD GOD thinking it was a gamble, but quickly learned otherwise.
Really, we should have known. Portland is a haven for film enthusiasts, and a hotbed of stop-motion talent. Two more amazing 2022 releases, Guillermo Del Toro’s Pinocchio and Wendell and Wild, were made here in the Rose City. Both are exceptional displays of technical, artistic, and narrative craft.
We’ve already written plenty about Pinocchio, so I’ll spare you further rambling.
Wendell and Wild is the first film from director Henry Selick (Coraline, Nightmare Before Christmas) in 13 years. The Project emerged as a collaboration between Selick, Jordan Peele, and Keegan Michael Key that began years before the release of Peele’s first film, Get Out.
Wendell and Wild
Animation takes time, but it was worth the wait. Wendell and Wild is a whirlwind film that embraces the rougher, handmade aspects of stop-motion to remarkable effect.
The theatrical run for Wendell and Wild is technically over, but we got the go-ahead to bring it back for one week so we could play it alongside Pinocchio, and celebrate the amazing work of local talent.
Pinocchio is playing now, Wendell and Wild starts Friday, both films will play through Dec. 15.
A Very Cinemagic Christmas coming soon
We’ll send out another announcement when it’s closer, but for those who plan ahead, the details and tickets for A Very Cinemagic Christmas are online. The line-up includes: Christmas Vacation, Santa with Muscles, Tokyo Godfathers, Dial Code Santa Claus (aka Deadly Games), Batman Returns, Elf, and Merry Christmas Mr. Lawrnce.
EArly december curtains update
It’s broken again.