First Friday - Late - Cheap

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Anthony Isn’t Your Typical Bottle Baby

Academy Award-winning screen legends, ROD STEIGER and KIM HUNTEER star in THE KINDRED, a chilling tale of a crazed genetic expirement gone wrong… way wrong.

KIM HUNTER is Dr. Amanda Hollins, a molecular biologist who, in distress and ill health, confides in her son John that he must destroy here secret genetic experiments. For years she has covertly worked on a project known only as the “Anthony journals.” “Who’s Anthony?” questions John. “Your brother!” cries his mother, just before her death. From here natural son’s living tissue, Dr. Hollins has created a half-human monster that sits dormant in her basement. ROD STEIGER is Dr. Phillip Lloyd, the twisted mind behind these demented experiments, who will stop at nothing to alter the path of human evolution.

Now John and his friends rush home to carry out his mother’s dying plea — but something has gone haywire — Anthony has come to life, an oozing, tentacled slime-covered creature, growing ever larger by the minute. Smashing through the basement floorboards, Anthony attempts to kill everyone, but has a special plan for his brother…

9:30 - VHS Trailers

About VHS NIght

VHS Night isn’t just about watching the finest rental store staples of the 80’s and 90’s. It’s a celebration of filmmaking without a safety net, where malfunctioning props were the norm and bad takes had to stay. The end results vary wildly in quality (often within the same movie), but even at their worst these movies are full of ambition, heart, and ideas way too strange for mainstream Hollywood.

Yeah, we play these movies on VHS. It looks kind of cool on the big screen, and some of these movies were never released in any other format.

  • January - Split Second
    February - Tammy and the T-Rex
    March - BINGO

  • January - Q: The Winged Serpent
    February - SHAKMA!!!!!
    March - Rumpelstiltskin
    April - Trancers
    May - Trancers 2: The Return of Jack Deth
    June - Death Machine
    July - Action U.S.A.
    August - TRAXX
    September - Pterodactyl Woman from Beverly Hills
    October - Popcorn
    November - The Sweeper
    December - Santa’s Slay

  • January - Brainsmasher… A Love Story
    February - Night of the Demons
    March - Drive (1997)
    April - TRAXX
    May - Blood Diner
    June - Class of 1999
    July - Brain Damage
    August - Rebel [aka Rising] Storm
    September - Dark Angel: The Ascent
    October - Food of the Gods 2 (aka GNAW)
    November - Demonic Toys
    December - Santa With Muscles

  • January - Trancers
    February - Trancers 2: The Return of Jack Deth
    April - Traxx
    May - Doctor Mordrid: Master of the Unknown
    June - Robot Jox
    July - Dead Heat
    August - Dollman
    September - Howling III: The Marsupials
    October - Unmasking the Idol
    November - Night of the Creeps
    December - Silent Night Deadly Night 5: The Toy Maker