It Can’t Rain all the Time
We get a lot of questions about what its been like to run The Cinemagic during the pandemic. Truthfully, it’s not that different from running it in normal times, expect everything is twice as much work and we can never really tell why.
Getting word out is definitely different. In the past we never advertised or built an online presence. Instead we relied on people bringing friends, or talking about us at the pub. That doesn’t happen much these days.
In response we got an account fired up on Instagram, which is a good way to send out quick news bursts, but not much use for detail. That led to these newsletters, which are way too wordy for promotional purposes. It’s been having fun keeping our die-hard regulars in the loop though, so I’ll keep doing them.
We’re also trying to come up with ways to get word out in the real world. We figure concerts are like movies (sort of), and people like concert posters, so clearly, we should make posters. Maybe?
Anyways, here’s a poster.
Keep an eye out for this image stuck to a random thing near you.
A Bucket of Blood Benefit show (Oct 13)
If you live in the neighborhood you probably saw the fire down at 13th and Hawthorne. Several small businesses lost nearly everything, and it seems unlikely the building we be rebuilt.
We wanted to help, so we’re going to play a movie, because it’s the only thing we know how to do. On October 17th at 4:00 we’re going to play the 1959 comedy/horror movie A Bucket of Blood, starring the great Dick Miller. It’s been on my wish-list of movies to play, and it’s public domain. That means there’s no studio to pay, and 100% of ticket sales can go to those effected by the fire. We’ll also be donating any profits made off concessions during the event.
Keep an eye on the website for further info. We’re putting the whole thing together on the fly, so details will trickle out over the week.
Private Rentals (Oct 18, 19 & 20)
We’ve finally got a system in place for private auditorium rentals, and we’ll have our first handful of opening on October 18, 19, and 20. Visit the Private Rentals page to see which slots are open.
For movies, Blu-ray disks are recommended. They look best and work reliably, but we can probably run just about anything. We’ve also got a PlayStation 5 and a VHS player ready to go. You’re welcome to bring your own hardware, but make certain that you warn us in advance.
Tickets available now! We’ve got a Thursday premiere at 7:00 on Oct. 21, followed up by 2 weeks of regular shows.
Fans of the book know this story takes place on a massive scale, we’re stoked to put it on the big screen and play it loud.
Goddammit I love this movie. Just look how big that header is.
On paper, The Crow should be nothing more than early 90’s kitsch. Good for a nostalgia kick and not much else. But the film is just too sincere, and too well made for that. If you haven’t seen this movie in a few decades, it’s absolutely worth revisiting.
On October 30th (yup, Devil’s Night) we’ll be playing The Crow. Tickets are online now.