The First Newsletter
I’ll start with the obvious: We’ve started sending out a newsletter, and you’re among the first to know. Congratulations! We’ll be sending these out about twice per month. We promise not to spam you with nonsense if we don’t have anything interesting to say.
In the future, newsletters will go out via email first, and post on our site a couple days later. This means that anyone on the mailing list gets to feel special for a few days (more importantly, you’ll have advance notice about special shows that could sell out).
WOmen Directed HOrror
September 24 - 30
As we wrapped up our second week of Candyman, we couldn’t help but notice that Nia DaCosta continued a trend of amazing, woman directed horror films. But unlike Candyman, a lot of those films weren’t given the amount studio support they needed during release (Surely the directors gender was a coincidence… right?). Then we had another one of those “holy shit, we own a movie theater” moments, and realized there was nothing stopping us from putting these movies on the big screen.
From September 24-30, we’re going to run an impromptu film fest we’re calling “Provoke”. It’ll feature a small slice of the awesome genre films that woman have directed, including: The Babadook, Raw, A Girl Walks Home Alone At Night, American Psycho, Slumber Party Massacre II (Yeah, really), Blood Diner, and The Invitation.
To see the full schedule or buy tickets, check out the Provoke Film Fest page.
Also, we’re thrilled to announce that on the final night of the fest, we’ll be opening the new film from Julia Docournau, Titane.
When Titane won the Palm D’or at Cannes, it came as a shock. This was only the second time a woman took home the festivals top prize, and for it to happen with such a singular, shocking piece of filmmaking was truly unexpected.
We haven’t had a chance to see it yet, but we’re huge fans of Director Julia Docournau’s last film Raw, so much so that we’re playing it 3 times during the fest.
ANd then…
We’re not sure what comes after Titane, but we can give a little insight into our future plans. We know that our film selections have leaned pretty hard into horror lately, but it won’t always be that way. We want to play the best movie we can get, and lately that’s meant a lot of dark content. After Titane you can expect to see a lot more variety. We’re also going to try and get a few mainstream popcorn flicks in here, because lets be honest, we could all stand to check out, drink a beer, and have some fun right now.
Forget Movies.
What about Beer?
Fresh Hop season is upon us
Did you know that over 75% of American hops are grown in the Pacific Northwest? That means that while most of the country has to wait, breweries here can pick fresh off the vine, and pitch into the kettle the same day. This means we get a once per year flood of fresh hopped beers at harvest time.
We’re kicking things off with Zoiglhaus Oktoberfresh (an Oregon Beer Awards gold medal winner), and we’ll have a Pilsner and IPA from Breakside soon after. From there, were going to play it by ear. We taste every fresh hop beer before we put it on tap, because unfortunately “fresh” can also mean “unpredictable”. A lot of great breweries have put out some… let’s say “strange” beers this time of year. We want to make sure we’re tapping kegs that taste like fresh, resinous hops, not wet kale.
P.S. Usually beers go on in the order we get them, but we’re going to let the fresh hop offerings cut in line on the opening night of Provoke, so they’ll definitely be on for the fest.
Patch Notes
We’re going to wrap up every newsletter with something we’re calling “patch notes”. A lot of you may not know this, but the theater has been around since 1915. That’s a long time, and keeping the theater in good working order is a never ending project.
We wanted a way to share all the little things that go into keeping this old beast up and running, without spamming social media. So here we go:
Replaced mounting gaskets for auditorium door windows so they would stop rattling. Only broke one of them.
Installed temporary “window” made of tar paper and cardboard in auditorium door. It looks surprisingly OK.
Rebuilt “refreshments” sign.
Swapped a few bulbs and adjusted light levels in the auditorium. Movie light level can now go darker, without making it impossible to see.
Repainted upper third of the marquee.
Made improvements to the auditorium A/C, just in time for winter.
Further improvements to 7.1 surround system, so it sounds better when playing 5.1 or stereo content.
Fixed a few hic-ups with the curtain. It should now open every time we play a movie.
Adjusted gamma and color balance on the projector. Black levels are now a little more black.