Fewer People, More Spidermen

Over the last few years, we’ve had to close, open, close again, kind of open, close, open, sort of close, and then finally, mostly re-open. A few times it was because of state requirements, but for the most part it was about our own conscience, and our desire to provide a safe experience.

We aren’t going to close this time, but until case rates start decreasing, we’re going to cut capacity way down. We have a lot of space in the auditorium, and we might as well make use of it. Unlike the past, we have a pretty good idea how long this will last. We’re hoping to return to normal occupancy by mid-February.

We’re all exhausted and ready to move on. But all the reasons we had for restricting occupancy in the past have returned. Case rates are high, and hospitalizations are on track to reach critical levels. The only thing that’s different this time is that we have profitable film options, but that was never the point.

Licorice Pizza

Licorice Pizza wraps on Thursday (1/13), so you’ve still got a few days left to check out Paul Thomas Andersons latest.

No Way Home

On Friday, January 14th we start a 2 week run of Spider-Man: No Way Home. We’ll be running two shows a day, as well as offering private shows for anyone who want’s to catch this one on the big screen, but doesn’t quite feel comfortable sharing it with a bunch of strangers.

Shoot us a message on our contact page if you’re interested.

Patch notes

  • Seriously, what’s going on in the bathroom? I’ve replaced the flush handle twice this week.

  • There’s a lot going on behind the scenes right now. We’re spending our days cleaning and organizing the projection booth in preparation for something very cool.

  • That’s about it? I guess spending a lot of time on taxes, but I’ll spare you the details.


Looking Ahead by looking back
