June 9 - 15

In the span of 9 years, director Edgar Wright, and writer Simon Pegg created one of the best horror-comedies ever made (Shaun of the Dead), one of the best action-comedies ever made (Hot Fuzz), and one of the best alien-invasion-paranoia-comedies ever made (World’s End. Admittedly, there’s not a lot of competition on the last one).
Every entry in the Cornetto Trilogy pays homage to the genre greats that came before, so we’ll be pairing each film with a classic that inspired it: Night of the Living Dead, Point Break, and Invasion of the Body Snatchers.*
*We’re also going to play Supercop. Technically it’s referenced in Hot Fuzz, but really, we just wanted to play Supercop.

Shaun of the Dead has callback to Zombie films ranging from the stalwart Dawn of the Dead to the genre re-inventing 28 Days Later, but none of these movies would exist without George Romero’s groundbreaking Night of the Living Dead.
Friday (6/9)
7:00 - Night of the Living Dead
9:10 - Shaun of the Dead
Monday (6/12)
5:20 - Night of the Living Dead
7:30 - Shaun of the Dead

Hot Fuzz is loaded with shout-outs to the greats of pulp action, so it’s no surprise that the film pays homage to Kathryn Bigelow’s ridiculously entertaining (and surprisingly thoughtful) Point Break.
Saturday (6/10)
7:00 - Point Break
9:30 - Hot Fuzz
Tuesday (6/13)
4:40 - Point Break
7:30 - Hot Fuzz

From the premise, to the to the iconic point-and-howl of the replaced, The World’s End riffs heavily on the 1978 Invasion of the Body Snatchers. Both these movies are awesome, but goddamn do the trailers contain some serious spoilers, just trust us on this one, OK? You won’t be disappointed.
SUnday (6/11)
5:00 - Invasion of the Body Snatchers
7:30 - The World’s End
Wednesday (6/14)
5:00 - Worlds End
7:30 - Invasion of the Body Snatchers